Info On Parkway Trees
Here are some links to information about trees in the parkway from the city web site:
In addition, I spoke with the department head about any changes that may be coming. My advice is that each homeowner that loses a parkway tree to emerald ash borers should call Customer Service (630-256-INFO or 4636) to go on record as wanting a replacement tree once their tree in the parkway has been cut down by the city. They can choose to take advantage of the 50/50 tree replacement program if they like. Residents should not plant their own trees in the parkway.
Assuming the tree is not dead, cutting down all “diseased” trees suffering from “ash borer” wondering if that is the long-term solution really, or is it just a quick way of dealing with it?
Jeff Smith
Also, I talked with the office head about any progressions that might come. My recommendation is that every mortgage holder that loses a turnpike tree to emerald powder borers ought to call Customer Service (630-256-INFO or 4636) to go on record as needing a substitution tree once their tree in the expressway has been chopped around the city. They can exploit the 50/50 tree substitution program in the event that they like. Occupants ought not plant their own particular trees in the turnpike.